Our Portfolio


Early Intervention, Lasting Impact

Understanding Student Attitudes to Enhance Learning and Wellbeing

PASS (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School) is a trusted psychometric assessment that helps schools measure and understand how students feel about themselves as learners and their school environment. Developed by educational psychologists, PASS provides valuable insights into students' emotional wellbeing and attitudes that directly impact their learning and engagement. At Obelus, we are proud to be the sole distributor bringing PASS to schools in the region, empowering educators with the tools they need to support both academic achievement and student wellbeing.

Why Choose PASS?

PASS removes the guesswork from understanding why students may feel disengaged, disruptive, or reluctant to participate. The assessment helps identify at-risk students early and supports schools in taking targeted action before these issues affect academic performance.

  • Quick and Comprehensive: Administered in just 20 minutes, PASS provides easy-to-read traffic-light reports that highlight areas where action is recommended.
  • Uncover Hidden Issues: Schools often discover students who need pastoral support but would have otherwise gone unnoticed.
  • Evidence-Based Solutions: Includes over 70 ready-made intervention strategies for addressing whole-school, class, group, and individual needs.

Measuring Attitudes Across Nine Key Factors

PASS evaluates nine critical areas of student attitudes towards learning, which include:

  1. Feelings About School: How students feel about their overall school experience.
  2. Perceived Learning Capability: Students’ confidence in their ability to succeed academically.
  3. Self-Regard as a Learner: How students perceive themselves as learners.
  4. Preparedness for Learning: How ready students feel to engage with schoolwork.
  5. Attitudes to Teachers: Students’ perceptions of their relationships with teachers.
  6. General Work Ethic: The effort students believe they put into their schoolwork.
  7. Confidence in Learning: Belief in their ability to overcome challenges and succeed.
  8. Attitudes to Attendance: How positively students view regular school attendance.
  9. Response to Curriculum Demands: How well students think they can meet curriculum requirements.

PASS for Your School​

As the sole distributor of PASS in your region, Obelus provides schools with full access to this cutting-edge platform. We’re here to help you implement and maximize the benefits of this transformative resource, ensuring every student and staff member has the tools they need to flourish.

Transform Insights Into Action

As the exclusive reseller of PASS, Obelus provides full access to the platform alongside personalized support. From implementation to ongoing guidance, we ensure that schools maximize the potential of PASS, empowering educators to create targeted, data-driven strategies that improve both student wellbeing and academic success.

Discover how PASS can transform student attitudes and success in your school.